logo.gifFrom the press release:

Tizra announced at the annual meeting of the Association of American University Presses here today that Columbia University Press was the latest in a series of prestigious organizations that have selected Tizra’s web based software to distribute and sell electronic versions of their books and other content online. Other recent signings include University of Wisconsin Press and Michigan State University Press.

In signing with Tizra, these organizations are choosing to sell their content through their own websites, and to take direct control over how it is priced, packaged and presented. For many, developing their own brands in this way is the best strategy to set themselves apart from a rising tide of commodity content.


  1. No surprise that big UPs are choosing Tizra as a solution for presentation, branding, and delivery. The Tizra platform is a powerful yet easy to use system that is capable of getting a publisher up and running with a full ecommerce solution quickly while keeping costs low. I’m glad to see more publishers making a wise choice to maintain their own online presence.

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