toc2010_logo.pngTeleRead has been at the last few Tools of Change conferences, and we will be there this year too. The Conference runs from February 22 through the 24th in New York City.

The program looks much more targeted to digital publishing this year and the sessions are looking really worthwhile. Here are the themes for this year:

The Mobile Web

Evolving business models in publishing
The lowering of geographic boundaries in digital distribution
What readers want
Rethinking how to do the “job” of a book
Emerging standards for content delivery, discovery, and distribution
Case studies from those trying (and sometimes failing) new models
Tools and techniques for a digital-centric workflow
Selling and merchandising in a digital marketplace
Financial modeling for digital products
Emerging models for inventory management
Understanding the impact of free content on paid sales

Full details on the Conference are here.

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