imageI’m not usually a vampire-and-werewolf kind of guy, but this one bit me on the back of the neck.

Touch of Evil is a paranormal romance between a sexy professional courier named Kate Reilly and a firefighter whose nasty landlord kicked him out just because he was a werewolf. Who says my protect-the-underdog tendencies are limited just to Digital Divide and copyright matters? Can’t under-wolves qualify, too? Please note that based on a read of the first third of the book, this is more character-driven than many in the genre. Touch is not for you if you’re into bites or karate chops on every page.

C.T. Adam and Cathy Clamp’s novel is free in HTML, Mobipocket and HTML to people signing up with Tor as part of a promo. It’s the start of a series—that’s why Tor offering the online freebie. You can also buy Touch in P (TeleBlog Amazon Associates link).


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