t3top100.jpgFor those who don’t know, T3 is a really cool British gadget site. Best Tablet Review has taken a look at their Hot 100 list and found that 12 tablets are on it. The iPad takes number 1, and then after that:

Somewhat surprising was that the other top 10 finalists were comprised of two E-Ink eReaders. The Skiff Reader came in at #5 followed in the #6 spot by the Lenovo IdeaPad U1 (the dockable tablet/laptop hybrid) and the Amazon Kindle DX coming in under the wire at #9. We’re glad to see that someone else has high hopes for the Notion Ink Adam (#16) and that it’s placed even higher than the HP Slate (#17). Good move on T3’s part. The following tablet products comprised of the T-Mobile Vega (#23), Dell Mini 5 (#29), Samsung E101 (#32), Spring Design Alex (#33), Barnes and Noble Nook (#47) and the X2 iTablet (#99).

Check out Best Tablet Review for more.


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