Vatican’s Library begins to Digitize 80,000 of Its Manuscripts With NASA Technology

Vatican’s Library begins to Digitize 80,000 of Its Manuscripts With NASA Technology



The library is taking a giant leap to the web. By using NASA technology, it’s planning on scanning 80,000 of its manuscripts.

The technology used is called FITS, which stands for Flexible Image Transport System.

So far the process was divided in three stages. The first included scanning 8,000 of the 80,000 manuscripts. The second was the actual digitizing and lastly, the program stored all the information in high resolution.

Among those selected is the Bodmer Papyri. The priceless manuscript is the first known transcription of the Gospel. Since most of the manuscripts are extremely delicate, they can only be partially opened to avoid any damage.

Read Complete Text Summary and Watch Video Interview of Msgr. Cesare Pasini, Prefect Apostolic Vatican Library


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