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Today, Wattpad and beActive Entertainment launch a new transmedia project on the Wattpad app and wattpad.com. Readers will discover a layered eReading experience where the novel “Aisling’s Diary” will be available on the same screen as the story’s film adaptation.

Each chapter of “Aisling’s Diary” and a corresponding webisode will be syndicated onto Wattpad’s platform weekly for several months. Readers can connect directly with the fictional characters through Wattpad’s social network, Twitter and Facebook, adding an additional layer of dynamic social interaction to the experience.

The transmedia series centers around teenaged narrator Aisling – an Irish American teen obsessed with dance who is uprooted from Boston when her family returns to live in Ireland.

By merging the reading and watching experience onto one platform and syndicating both the narrative and dramatization simultaneously, users will be able to participate with “Aisling’s Diary” across several interconnected formats in a unique way.

beActive property “Aisling’s Diary” will be hosted for free on Wattpad iOS and Android apps as well as online.

To see Aisling’s Diary on Wattpad please visit: http://www.wattpad.com/user/aislingsdiary


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