ups_power_failure.gifWe have just recovered from three days without power after the huge windstorms that rocked New Jersey over the weekend. This meant no computer and I kept my iPhone use to a minimum as I had no easy way to recharge it. (Also meant no heat, lights, water, bathrooms, etc. – not a pleasant time).

When the power came back I booted up and went to Bloglines and found, of course, a huge number of RSS feeds to go through. I have 130 feeds in Bloglines and that’s a lot to check if I’ve been off the net for a while. I had the same problem when I came back from California after a 5 day vacation.

I found that in both instances I only ended up checking a few favorite feeds and then marked all the others as read. Without any prompting from a list I found that I checked the same feeds both times, so I thought I would share them with you as they seem to be my favorites. I hope you find some of them of interest:

Ars Technica
Laptop Mag
Mobile Tech Review
The Unofficial Apple Weblog
The Gadgeteer
Dans Data
Peter Watts’ Blog
How to Spot a Psychopath


  1. Having just endured (in Adelaide, Australia) 9 days of temperatures over 35deg C (that’s over 95F, most days well over), I am starting to worry about the same thing. The forcast says we have another week of this to go, and my computers are already starting to sound a little sick. I think backup, backup, backup is the answer and be prepared for the worst.

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