
From their website.  I can’t vouch for the “first”, but it looks interesting.  

Whirlwind Book Consultancy is a book developer, corporate publisher, and self-publishing service based in Hong Kong. Although we are located in the Asia-Pacific region, we have a global reach. We provide all the support you need to produce high-quality print books and e-books, allowing you to maintain full control over your projects. We also offer various distribution solutions, depending on your needs. Get access to meticulous editors, cutting-edge designers, and experienced publishing professionals. Choose from our list of boutique services or select one of our affordable custom publishing packages.


We are the only specialized book consultancy in the region that can offer a comprehensive e-book program in addition to our paper-based publishing products and services. We offer a full range of digital services while providing unique insight into the emerging digital publishing market in Asia. Our vision is international, though, and we offer access to major North American distribution channels such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Ingram.  We also partner with major Asian e-booksellers such as Handheld Culture and BuBo Bookshelf in Hong Kong and I Love Books in Singapore.


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