Screen shot 2010-03-15 at 9.04.44 PM.pngIs the name of an ebook by Gary K. Wolf that just went up on Smashwords. In addition to this, Wolf has also put up Killerbowl, which is his first novel.

Why do I mention this? Because Wolf gained fame when his literary vision of humans cohabitating with animated characters became a reality in the $750 million blockbuster Disney/Spielberg film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The film won four Academy Awards and launched a multiple-picture screen writing deal for Wolf with Walt Disney Pictures. In addition, his ideas inspired Toontown, the newest themed land at Disneyland and Tokyo Disneyland. According to the Smashwords blurb, Who Censored Roger Rabbit was the basis for the film.

I remember when the film came out and we were all absolutely blown away by what we were seeing. I’m now doing things: first, buying both books and second adding the film to my Netfix queue – haven’t seen it in a while.


  1. What awesome news! I’ve been searching for this out of print book for awhile but it’s been so hard to find a used copy. I love that he made it available in ebook on Smashwords. Dashing over to buy myself a copy. Gotta love digital for making such OOP gems available!

    Thank you so much for reporting this.

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