lubeck,_scott_1.jpgThat is the title of an article by Fran Toolan of Firebrand Technologies in his Issues in Publishing blog. Scott’s picture is at the left.

In my opinion, one of the bigger pieces of news in the book industry last week, passed by very quickly and very quietly. The appointment of Scott Lubeck as the new Executive Director of BISG [the Book Industry Study Group] barely made a ripple in Twitter and the Blogosphere. But, I’ll bet that two or three years from now, when we look back at this appointment, we’ll all understand how important a date it was. …

I applaud the BISG board for recognizing this trend and recognizing that they need a leader who has a skill set that is different from prior directorates – one who will be able to build on what BISG has built and lead it into new directions that will better serve the entire industry.


  1. Hi, Igorsk. I added a link to the Book Industry Study Group site. What’s more, the full name of the group is now in both the headline and text. Click on the link to Fran’s blog for the full story, which is that the new exec director has a solid background in editing, production, directing a press, etc. BISG is influential in the publishing industry and deals with major issues there including some standards-related ones. Meanwhile congrats to Scott Lubeck. Thanks. David

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