
Interesting article from Accredited Colleges Online.  Here’s the beginning:

Against piracy! Against the digital encroach! Against illiteracy! Against each other! Publishing, that cheeky teaser of mind, body, and soul, enjoys the same level of excitement and drama as other fields, if not more. As with every industry out there, it plays host to a crazy ensemble cast of heroes, villains, threats, challenges, underdogs, and other archetypes. Then conflict happens — or at least publishers come across a conflict that needs addressing. What follows are just some of the few exciting adventures that go down in the publishing world.

Partnering with news outlets

E-book developers pose a threat to their more traditional predecessors, and their recent team-ups with periodicals and blogs make things even harder for them. In order to fight fire with napalm, some publishers have decided to fight the encroaching competition with a good old-fashioned team-up. For example, Politico and Random House are now working together on a series of e-books relevant to the 2012 presidential cycle. Both benefit from this deal when it comes to profits and producing quick content and may very well set the precedent for future collaborations between different media outlets.


  1. Accredited Online Colleges is a “link bait” site–they post content specifically designed to increase links to the site, regardless of whether or not it has anything to do with the site’s content, in order to increase its Google ranking. Take a look at the “blog” on their website–none of the posts are more than tangentially related to “accredited online colleges”. Their business is to sell referrals to online colleges–scroll down to the bottom of their homepage and you’ll see how they make money.

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