From A Kindle World blog:


Kindle Fire Software Update, V6.2.1 is available online, and downloadable at the link, in case the update isn’t already on your Kindle Fire and you decide you want it right away.

The announcement was made by Amazon on a Kindle Forum thread.  Mine is still at v6.2 and the ‘Update your Kindle” button for “System Version” setting is grayed out.  So I’ll be updating instead of waiting, though the latter will be easier for most.  I don’t think they’ll take their time on sending this to the devices.

IN FACT, while typing this, I noticed my Kindle Fire updating in that my screen was ‘on’ when it should be off, so I checked the Menu settings and saw that it had already updated my Kindle Fire to v6.2.1, so, yes, they are apparently ‘on’ this one.  Since I am usually among the last to get any over-the-air update, I recommend that most wait for it to happen unless they need to have it now and haven’t been updated yet.  See further below on that.

(Via A Kindle World blog.)


  1. The Fire may not be a dedicated reader, but it’s still used as a reading device by a lot of people, just like the Nook Tab, Nook Color and Kobo Vox are (which are all multifunction Android devices). Why wouldn’t Paul want to post info about it’s updates when they’ve been covering it here since before it came out.

  2. Howard,
    It is most definitely an e-reader for me, as well as a portable web browser. The Kindle Fire has my reference books on it (several encyclopedias) and all the current reading, and since I am a photography fan and travel fiend I prefer to read about those on a color device.

    When the NY Times has had several articles this week pounding on any weaknesses in the Kindle Fire and saying there will be an update soon to fix them, they hope, I certainly think it’s worth bothering some of you with the news that this software update is here.

  3. I consistently use my iPad, iPhone and the Fire for reading books, so I consider it just as much an ereader as my Kindle Touch or Kindle DX. I really don’t see a difference. Some just have more capabilities than others.

    Thus, I cover updates on all platforms for the major players. If I haven’t covered one it’s just because i goofed up.

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