
From an Article in The National (Abu Dhabi):

To the outside world, familiar with the UAE for its modern skyscrapers and luxury hotels, rare colour snapshots of the capital taken almost 50 years ago provide a valuable insight into the country’s past.

Until now those images, as well as hundreds of other historical documents, could be seen only in the archives of the National Library.

Now, thanks to an agreement between the Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (Adach) and the World Digital Library (WDL), more of this invaluable historical material will be available online.

The partnership was vital to ensuring the world could access accurate information about Emirati heritage, said Jumaa al Qubaisi, the deputy director general for National Library affairs and the director of the National Library at Adach.


The images, he said, would soon be available purely for viewing – not to be used in any outside projects – on any laptop, computer or smart phone.

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