android-attack.jpgBestTabletReview has a good overview of the hype surrounding all the cheap Android tablets.

Android attack!

Lately the internet has been abuzz with cheap Android tablet talk. This last week it was all about the Augen GenBook78 which appeared in a K-Mart circular for $150. This is not the first affordable Android tablet to get people excited, nor will it be the last. The thing that bothers us about this craze (and after the sheer amount of tweets and posts that the GenBook received last week, we’re comfortable in calling it that) is that people expect a good product for such a cheap price.

That that will never be the case.

That’s just why we don’t cover all the “me too” ereaders coming out of China. First, they will never see the light of day in the US, second they generally come with poor software and third they will never gain an appreciable market share. Not worth the bytes to write about.


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