Toni Weisskopf has announced on the Baen Webscriptions bookstore that the price of the Webscriptions monthly e-book bundle is going up by 20%, from $15 to $18, starting with the April 2011 bundle.

This is certainly not as drastic a change as the previous price increase, from $10 to $15, which took place nine years ago, and inflation being what it is an increase had to come sooner or later. It’s still a remarkably good deal for the number of DRM-free, multiple-format books you get. The extant $15 bundles will likely remain available at the price they were when they were issued; the early $10 bundles haven’t gone up since the change.

Weisskopf noted that there are no plans to increase the price of individual books ($6) or e-ARCs ($15) at this time.

(Found via The Digital Reader.)


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