51MpzcerKvL._SL160_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-dp,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA115_.jpgAccording to an Amazon press release, de Becker, author of The Gift of Fear and Just 2 Seconds has signed on with Amazon exclusively for Kindle editions for one year.

From the release:

“Over the years, there have been about 25 different editions of ‘The Gift of Fear,’ and I am very excited that Kindle can free my books from the bonds of paper and glue and warehousing and shipping,” said de Becker. “These special Kindle editions of my books can efficiently and instantly be available to readers around the world, and offer many benefits unavailable in conventional paper books. For example, while readers of the physical edition may or may not have had access to a nearby dictionary, Kindle readers can now see the definition of a word at the moment it’s encountered. Now readers can also easily search for any reference, name, passage, topic or even individual word throughout the entire text.”


  1. If he’s that enthusiastic about freeing his books from the bonds of paper, why does he not also free his books from the bonds of proprietary formats? Kindle editions are useless to people with readers that aren’t Kindles.

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