images.jpgThe Book Industry Study Group is a trade association for the book industry and specializes in research and supply chain standards and policies. The group has just come out with BookDROP 1.0, which is a standard intended to support the search and discovery of digital book content on the web. It “defines a set of HTTP transactions between a publisher’s digital book archive and the websites of the publisher’s syndication partners. The overall goal of BookDROP is to encourage the discovery, search, browse and distribution of digital book content across the Web while allowing publishers to manage the quality and availability of their content.”

You can find the technical specs of BoookDROP 1.0 here, and see the BookDropper utility in action here.

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  1. hmm at first glance it just look buzzword complient, web2.1 sematic markupped thats really just a poor uncompatible reimplementation of Docbook xml, and way to rigid and complex to be of much use for ajax hackers.

    On top of that they have designed at complete and probably newer to be used API for providing search results based on categorised search and as far as i can sea not compatible with too advanced algoritms.

    It’s in many way like the epub not really that stupid but not adding anything new, and not really compatible with anything currently in existance. in reallity nothing else but an extra layer of complexity.

  2. Daniel I agree with you 100%! This document is trying to create a standard were several already exist. It is neither especially well framed nor are specifics an imporvement. SRU / SRW is one standard and there are Z39.50 and OHI-PMH. And there is ACAP. All doing the same thing. And let’s not forget Google’s first click free. Standards are a good thing but, when there are several standards competing in a relatively small space they are not really standard, are they?

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