coutts.jpegFrom a press release I received:

Coutts Information Services Limited, an Ingram Content Group company, and ConnectNY, a consortium of academic libraries within New York State, today announced their successful patron-driven, consortium-sharing e-book acquisition project. … The e-book acquisition project utilizes a combination of Ingram’s MyiLibrary e-book hosting platform and Innovative Interfaces’ INN-Reach resource sharing platform. Through the project, patrons of member institutions have the opportunity to search their local institution catalogs from a library of over 6,000 e-books, where table of contents and book summaries can be freely viewed. Once a book reaches a predetermined number of uses, within the consortium, that book is then purchased by ConnectNY and becomes permanently available to member institution users.

Schools participating in the ConnectNY e-book acquisition model include; Adelphi University, Bard College, Canisius College, Colgate University, Cazenovia College,
Le Moyne College, Pace University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology, St. Lawrence University, Siena College, Union College, United States Military Academy at West Point and Vassar College.


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