Sony Reader“The Biblioskop product is being developed by Bookpac, a German company, and is an e-book catalog organizer/manager application. Their new version now supports the Sony reader device so you can use it to upload the supported file formats, plus it can get your RSS feeds onto the reader as well.- Tamas Simon.

TeleRead take: Notice—a Mac version, too? Thanks for this tidbit, Tamas. More information follows, via the Bookpac site:

Biblioskop 0.2.5 is ready and available for download now.

Yes, it serves the Sony PRS-500, and yes, it also does it on the Mac.

The details:

* Biblioskop now transfers any kind of document to the Sony Reader, including LRF, Plain Text, PDF, RSS and ATOM feeds
* It’s designed to co-exist with the Sony Connect software: Biblioskop just ignores what you added with the Connect Reader and does its own thing
* Converts Feeds and HTML to Plain Text for reading on the Sony PRS-500 — it’s not perfect yet, but still: Feeds on your Sony!
* LRF/BBeB was added as a known document format and can be managed with Biblioskop

We didn’t implement LRF conversion and viewing for now as we thought it was more important to release early. But be sure we’re working on LRF.

By the way, there might be some minor issues on the Mac: Mysteriously, on my MacBook one of the two USB ports refuses to talk to the Sony. If you experience problems on the Mac, try reconnecting the Reader and if you still don’t see the device, try a different USB port.

As you can see, this is all still very early and beta and work-in-progress. So we beg your pardon for anything that might still be missing, and we’d really like to see your feedback.


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