
That’s the report from The Bookseller today:

Bloomsbury’s e-book sales topped £1.1m in the first three months of 2011 …

In his chief executive’s statement Nigel Newton said in 2010 and 2011 e-book sales had “seen significant growth”, adding that “since the last quarter of 2010, the UK has also begun to experience a surge in demand”. Bloomsbury’s e-book sales have grown from £79,000 in 2009, to £1.5m in 2010, with sales from January to March 2011 reaching £1.1m. He added that, with the Kindle now “firmly established in the UK market and recently launched in Germany, there is now a focused effort to sell e-books throughout the world”.

He also said: “The retail landscape is changing with more titles being sold online or through supermarkets, in e-book or print format. The impact of digitisation is becoming considerable and acquiring world English language rights is of premier importance in the digital future.”

Looking ahead, Newton said: “This is an exciting time for Bloomsbury: demand and digital delivery, including e-books, is increasing significantly; it will change the publishing business model creating one worldwide market.

More info in the article.


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