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From the press release:

Ebook Services, a leading provider of digital sales and marketing services for book publishers, announced today the release of Ebook Engine, a new system enabling publishers to sell electronic books from their own websites.

Ebook Engine is a low-cost, elegant solution that enables publishers to offer electronic retail, rental and promotional options, all without visitors leaving their websites.

With an existing web presence and shopping cart function, any publisher can offer electronic sales directly alongside their print publications, with no upfront costs or annual fees.

The system can also be tailored to offer rental access and giveaways.

Ebook Engine enhances a publisher’s distribution strategy at higher margins than existing retail partners for electronic product.

President of Ebook Services, Suzanne Cole said, ‘Ebook Engine has been in the pipeline for a long time now, so this is personally very satisfying for me.

Ebook Engine is highly adaptable to each publisher’s own plans and strategies. Every publisher we speak to has a new and ingenious way that the Ebook Engine functionality can help them to increase revenues.

‘Ebook Engine builds on our tailored offerings to publishers for direct distribution and promotion of their ebooks.’

For trade and press inquiries, please contact Veruschka Selbach, Director of Sales & Marketing: +44 203 402 5233 or


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