
From Shelf Awareness:

In a story that could be expanded into short e-book length, the New York Times traced the growth of news organizations publishing e-books and thereby “elbowing into” book publishers’ traditional territory. Among examples: e-books published by the Huffington Post, the New Yorker, ABC News, the Boston Globe and Politico.

Some of these e-books consist of material previously published by the companies. Others are original material. Many of the titles are, as agent Eric Simonoff put it, “uniquely suited for mid-length content that runs too long for shrinking magazines and are too pamphletlike to credibly be called a book.”

Random House executive editor Jon Meacham acknowledged that “the line between articles and books is getting ever fuzzier.”

New Yorker deputy editor Pamela McCarthy noted that marketing and selling such e-books is challenging. “The e-book stores are tremendously deep, and what’s there is not at all apparent on the surface,” she told the Times. “It’s not like walking into a bookstore and seeing what’s on the front table.”


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