EP_main_logo.gifAs some publishers consider paywalls (and they’re already in place many place) here’s one that removed its paywall from their web site.

From an E&P Article:

This week, it tore down its website paywall, allowing visitors to view more of the magazine’s exclusive content.

“We have not been big believers in paywalls,” said Duncan McIntosh, president of Duncan McIntosh Company, Inc. (DMC), which publishes E&P. “Paywalls in name alone connote a psychological negative, which is one reason we have never been big believers. Nielsen had been using one for a number of years, but nothing during the past year has changed our opinion about them. We have removed it to build more traffic and make more of our original content available to our visitors.”

Direct to E&P Homepage

Hat Tip and Thanks: Peter Suber

Via Resource Shelf


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