olpcwayan2Just as I predicted, One Laptop per Child’s G1G1 donation/sale of XO laptops is selling out fast by the looks of the day’s left countdown difference on the Give 1 Get 1 main page:

That’s right, in less than 12 hours, OLPC has already sold three days worth of CO computers to geek enthusiasts all across the USA and Canada. While North Americans have Give Many experiences to tell, smart Europeans and Asians, and many other “cans” are taking G1G1 globally with OLPC News.

No matter where you are, you better Give One Get One while you can. And OLPC News recommends you skip the telemarketers and order directly from OLPC via the web.

More Give One Get One links:

wayan3 Moderator’s note: The TeleBlog welcomes Wayan Vota of OLPC Newsformer director of the Geek Corps—as a contributor. In the other direction, some TeleBlog items will start showing up in Wayan’s publication. The XO, which Wayan follows closely enough for 60 Minutes to have interviewed him on the topic, is of special interest to Robert Nagle and me because of its promise as an e-book machine that can help bridge the Digital Divide—both globally and domestically. Robert, too, will be writing on OLPC and is starting an XO-related club in Houston. We’ve both ordered XOs, and I’ll be selling my Sony Reader and Nokia 770 to stay solvent (details to come in a separate post; prospective buyers welcome to make inquiries). No reflection on either machine! Sooner or later I’ll be buying newer models of both. Robert is keeping his Sony and Nokia. – DR

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  1. This story is not what it seems. From what anybody can guess, the “12 days left” was only a glitch on the laptop.org’s servers. Soon after this was discovered the “days left” was back up to 15. Today, on the second day of the fundraising offer, “days left” is listed correctly as 14.

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