“Yep. My Cybook Gen3 is locked up tighter than Fort Knox. I’ve tried to turn it on and off – that didn’t work because it no longer turns on and off. I’ve tried pressing the Reset button. That works just long enough to get to the point where it freezes all over again.” – Derek Benner, testing a sample unit (spotted via Dr. Ellen Hage).

The TeleRead take: I’ll point Bookeen to this item and see if other testers have experienced the problem and if a solution is at hand. Any risk of the problem delaying the eagerly awaited rollout? In Bookeen’s place, I’d let quality control come first if it can’t diagnose and solve Derk’s problem. I’m certainly not gonna beat up on ’em for another little delay. Reliable hardware above all else!

Update: See Derek‘s comments and Joseph Gray’s. I’ve also received a prompt reply from the good folks at Bookeen. Michael Dehan writes: “Concerning the issue, we are working on it with Derek and we will solve it. Derek and Baen team have done a great job, they really helped us to pinpoint the tiny elements which make the difference and discovered remaining bugs which went through our QC. We took in account their feedbacks and we modified the device accordingly.” Best of luck to Bookeen on this front and others!

Related: Cybook Gen3 news: PDF ‘on track,’ slight design change and definite October release date and earlier TeleBlog stories on the Gen3, including Derek’s favorable first reaction.


  1. Remember, he does have a pre-production unit and pre-release firmware. Comments at MobileRead indicate that the production units will be different in both regards. Myself, I will wait and see what happens when the production units get released into the wild.

  2. And you also have to understand that I was transferring in a plain-vanilla .rtf file *and* a .pdb version of that .rtf file (palmreader pro made using the 7/30/2007 release of BookDesigner) onto the Cybook when it crashed. Laurent of Bookeen has since said that they couldn’t even open the .pdb. So it may be that BD doesn’t do a great job at palmreader pro pdbs.

    We’re still working on the fix.

    Damn! I hate to say it but switching to the x51v is *NOT* adequate compensation for my Cybook!!!

    Derek Benner

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