
From The Bookseller:

Tokyo-based consumer research group Net Mile polled over 1,000 men and women on attitudes to e-books in Japan and in China for a survey that reveals stark contrasts between the two.

Of the 600 Japanese respondents asked, “Do you use or do you want to use e-books?”,  57.7% responded they would “never read an e-book”. Of the 450 Chinese respondents, only 4.5% answered the same. While 70% of Chinese respondents said they had already downloaded and read an electronic book at least once, only 10% of Japanese participants in the survey, titled “E-book trends today: a comparison”,  said they had done so. Over 90% of Chinese said they wanted to read e-books in the future.

The Net Mile survey has not surprised any industry insiders in Japan. Robin Birtle, c.e.o. of digital publishers Sakkam Press, told The Bookseller. “The figures certainly reflect my own research,” he said.

More in the article.


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