220px Escudo UNAM escalable svg

From The Chronicle of Higher Education:

The National Autonomous University of Mexico, better known as UNAM, has said it will make virtually all of its publications, databases, and course materials freely available on the Internet over the next few years—a move that some academics speculated could push other universities in the region to follow suit.

Campus officials at UNAM, Mexico’s largest university, said the program, known as All of UNAM Online, could double or triple the institution’s 3.5 million publicly available Web pages, as the largest collection of its kind in Latin America.

They also said it was key to UNAM’s social mission as a public institution: providing educational resources to populations usually underrepresented in the university system—really, to anyone who desires access to them.

A lot more in the article.  Thanks to Michael von Glahn for the link.


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