barnes & NobleB&N’s Nook Division Loses Its 4th Senior Manager in Less Than a Month (The Digital Reader)
Over the past few weeks no fewer than 4 members of the senior management at Nook Media, the Barnes & Noble ebook sub, have either left the company, been promoted, or announced that they have one foot out the door.

Crowdsourcing Copyright Law in Europe (The Scholarly Kitchen)
The European Commission is inviting all comers–from both inside and outside of the EU Single Market–to engage in a public consultation as part of the Commission’s review of European Union copyright rules.

British University Accepts Course Fees in Bitcoin (GigaOM)
The University of Cumbria is inviting those who want to join two of its sustainability courses, which deal in part with complementary currencies, to pay their fees in Bitcoin.

CreateSpace Removes Minimum Royalty Threshold (GoodeReader)
In a bold move that makes self-publishing even more lucrative and rewarding for authors, print-on-demand platform CreateSpace announced today that it was removing the minimum threshold for royalty payouts to authors who take advantage of its direct deposit payment option.

Kindle Daily Deals: Four Classics by Roald Dahl (and others)


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