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Laura Hazard Owen at paidContent has written an excellent article about Amazon (as in Publishing. The companies first imprint will launch this Fall. The report is LOADED with details direct from the person in charge, publishing industry veteran, Larry Kirshbaum.

Here are a few highlights from a must-read article for those of you interested in publishing.

1. “Our book distribution to libraries is going to be a very important part of our mix too because that’s where a lot of books get started.” (Our Emphasis)

2. “Amazon is publishing ‘a lot of novels. I don’t want to make this a sales presentation, but a LOT of novels. All of you novelists out there, we’re open for business and I think…literary novels are going to be our real mainstay.’”

3. “In addition to the books that we are doing both electronically and physically we’re going to be doing a certain number of e-books only and those are going to be the discovery books.”

Read the Complete Article: “Amazon Hires Publishing Industry Veteran Kirshbaum To Launch New Imprint” (May 25, 2012 via paidContent)

(Via LJ INFOdocket.)


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