image image Notion Ink Adam Pixel Qi Tablet/Ereader Hands On: Your Screen Is Obsolete reads the breathless headline at Gizmodo, following a demo of a prototype.

You can see two videos showing off the usual LCD mode and an E Ink-type one.

Gizmodo does offer a caveat: “The LCD colors aren’t as vivid as a plain LCD’s and suffers at some viewing angles, and the reflective mode suffers from the glossy screen’s glare, but in both modes, it’s good enough.”

Notion says it’s working on the problem. Will this kill off E Ink, or can it catch up fast enough? Supposedly E ink can be power-greedy with full motion video, and if true, that would be a problem.

So how long until Amazon respond with its own machine with Pixel Qi or a similar tech, and will it be an e-book only device, or also a video player tethered to the Amazon site. Not bad: multimedia customer lock-in (sarcasm alert).

Related: ‘E-reader makers seek bestseller but may end up duds,’ given all the rivals; $99 model coming soon?


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