winnerslosers.jpgBest Tablet Review has a great article giving their winners and losers take on the show. A lot of ebook stuff is included. You can find it here, and it’s worth reading. Just a couple for you:

Winners: Color screens for ereaders. Norton Ink and Pixel Qi. Losers: Plastic Logic Que. Everything E Ink. Breaking even: Skiff e-reader.


  1. I’m baffled by all the kudos and desire for color screen ereaders. Unless you read magazines or picture books, there is all most no need for color in a book, aside from the cover, and that is a mere trifle not worth extra expense or battery drain.

  2. @Greg M.:
    I have to disagree on that: this incoming breed of color e-readers, though seemingly limited in color gamut, is good enough for the casual, if not usual, infographics/map/infoviz seen on some academic journals/books, newspapers and encyclopedias. One fine day we’ll find ourselves sorrounded by full-color, fully reflective info surfaces.

  3. Long term, display directly into the eyeball, allowing heads-up display, continual real-time connectivity and virtual worlds that are virtually real.

    In the short term, it’s a cost game. We didn’t really need color monitors or color laser printers but when the cost got down to a small percentage increase over black and white, we figured why not. If color readers are 10-15% premium, they’ll get a lot of takers. At 100%, not-so-much is my guess.

    Rob Preece

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