From an email I received this morning:

We would like to inform you of an upcoming event that may be of interest to you and to readers of TeleRead. Prague Writers´ Festival 2011, scheduled to take place April 16th-20th, will bring together such outstanding writers as Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott, Pulitzer Prizewinner Junot Díaz, Don DeLillo, Saadi Yousef and Michel Deguy. These celebrated international authors will read from their works and engage in conversation on various topics that relate to the festivalś theme, ´Some Like it Hot.´

More information on Prague Writers´ Festival can be found online at If you are interested in attending the festival and interviewing its participating authors, please visit the press section of to download the festival´s press packet, program and recent press reports.

Prague Writerś Festival 2011: Some Like It Hot will be streamed online at and . Discussions are free for seniors and students.

Best Regards from Prague


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