BBeB BinderFor $49 and $99 bargain-hunters and other Sony Reader owners, the TeleBlog continues its search for the perfect conversion program.

BBeB Binder is a nice freeware solution if you want conversions from HTML or TXT to LRF/BBeB, but so far, at least I can’t get the program to convert text to images—it keeps crashing. Nor can I convince it to boldface the entire LRF file for better viewability on the Reader, perhaps because of a fault at my end. Anyone have any tips to share about this or other aspects of BBeB Binder?

As usual, I would encourage programmers to help the developers get the wrinkles out. See a MoblieRead thread about BBeB Binder.

Requirements: Windows and Microsoft .Net 2.0.

The screenshot: Notice the handy way of entering information for the Reader? I like the interface and look forward to a time when BBeB Binder is further along. Meanwhile, yes, I know, I’ve been evil. I should have entered “David Copperfield” in the title field.

Long-term: The best format solution for the Reader will be a firmware update to allow use of the IDPF format. Let’s hope that indeed happens, along with widespread use of the format, which is more flexible than BBeB.


  1. David,

    Have you tried Book Designer? It is really a program worth looking into. I now use it for all my different ebook readers. Someone on Mobile Read has uploaded a great tutorial, which I believe is worth reading whether you own a sony, Hiebook, Ebookman, or even an Ebookwise. Try it!


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