Screen shot 2011 02 14 at 4 23 39 PMSameer Shariff, iPublish Central, Impelsys

What company is seeing around the world in electronic publishing. Boundaries are dissolving and tremendous opportunities are going to be created. Everyone in the publishing ecosystem around the world is starting to invest in digital strategies. The investment is creating networks. In Brazil a distributor are creating their own networks to delivery ebooks and a network is being created in each of the countries. In the Middle East a consortium of libraries building a network to share resources. Low cost smart phones and tabliets making waves in India. They are creating a network of potentially a billion people that can be tapped into. App stores are appearing globally on local telcos. Your digital strategy must be able to deliver to all the above networks and distribution points around the world. With the cloud and software as a service as a model even small publishers can connect to networks around the world.


  1. “Your digital strategy must be able to deliver to all the above networks and distribution points around the world.”

    I just published my first novel as an ebook. “Kill The Wolf” . I haved to say this will become a whole heck of a lot easier for self published authors when a universal format is used by everyone. Currently I have my book in epub, pdf, kindle epub. I still need to get it in ibookstore but in order to do that I have to have access to an apple computer and make it compliant with their specs.

    If epub is going to carry the day it needs work most noteably support for video. Kinda of silly right now to have what is billed as the main epub format unable to include video.

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