Q12010Metrics.jpgTheir new report is out and, as always, makes interesting reading. You can find the full report here. One point that the industry really should pay attention to is the importance of Java devices in the developing world. If I were a publisher I would be investigating how to monetize this. An excerpt:

Social networking continues to grow in importance as a vehicle for promoting ebooks. Over one third of users have interacted at least once with other readers or authors. This trend is particularly apparent among English speaking users, where 80% have contributed comments or interacted with other members.

English is the most popular language for ebook consumption. Readers in the US, UK, Canada and Australia accounted for 42% of total ebook consumption.

The numbers of users accessing ebooks through mobile devices has continued to grow. iPhones are the most popular device amongst English speakers with an increase in iPhone users in Japan as well as Spain.

In developing countries, Java phones are the most popular mobile tool for accessing ebooks. Readers in Vietnam, South Africa and Indonesia accessed ebooks from Java phones 85% of the time.


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