Screen shot 2010-05-21 at 9.44.29 AM.pngJohannes Haupt of sent me this info. From the Liquavista press release:

“The arrival of LiquavistaVivid represents the next step in our roadmaps and demonstrates that electrowetting is a highly versatile 3-mode display technology, just like LCD, capable of significantly improving on performance in all modes, truly making this LCD 2.0.” added Guy, “Our full range of products brings increased advantages such as low power and up to four times the performance over LCD and is the ultimate choice for consumer electronics manufacturers. It offers the best choice for the consumers – a life without compromises on battery lifetime, readability or outdoor viewing. LiquavistaVivid combines a high brightness reflective mode with a brilliant high contrast, high brightness transmissive mode, based on Field-Sequential Color principles. When operated in reflective mode, the same high front of screen performance as LiquavistaBright displays is produced. On the other hand, when the backlight is operated, the display is capable of showing vivid colors without compromising the battery’s life thanks to the high efficiency of the electrowetting optical switch and to the power management algorithms.

For more info see Johannes’ article (German) linked above.


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