
This this is simply great and it will work with any tablet, not just the iPad.  I saw it mentioned someplace and took a flyer, buying one from Wrapsol for $14.95.  I just ordered two more!  

The pad is sticky on one side and you simply press it onto, in my case, the iPad.  It’s 8″ long by 3 3/4″ wide, so it will fit pretty much any tablet.  You can trim it to any size you want.  The “grippy” size is NOT sticky.  It is made of some sort of high friction material.  As you can see from the pictures it makes reading on the iPad much more convenient.  I can hang the tablet from my crossed leg or place it on a pillow and it stays just where I put it.

As for the other two I ordered, one is going on my wife’s iPad and the other is going to get cut up and used on my Fire and my iPhone.  It’s the only one of these “sticky” products I’ve tried so far that works as advertised.

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