Answers to yesterday’s quiz:

Murdoch(1) What media titan in 1980 said, “Someday, Don, all news—and advertising—will be delivered digitally? There will really be no need for paper and ink.”

This quote is attributed to Rupert Murdoch, shown on the cover of Wired. See the article entitled Magazine publishers see future, but no profit, in shift to Internet that appeared March 18th in the International Herald Tribune. Regarding the hint, Murdoch’s media corporation owns some important satellite systems that are used for media deliver. More recently his company acquired MySpace.

(2) What author in 1969 predicted the Newspad?

The science fiction master Arthur C. Clarke envisioned the Newspad in the novel 2001. The Technovelgy website has a relevant excerpt from the book. Clarke worked on the novel concurrently with the screenplay for 2001. The movie depicts another interesting potential technology—flexible display screens.

(3) What prominent newspaper publisher said recently, “I really don’t know whether we’ll be printing the (newspaper) in five years, and you know what? I don’t care either.”

New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. pronounced the thought provoking comments as mentioned in the TeleRead blog.

(4) Who wrote “It is no tragedy if we have to make do with second-rate inventions like the personal computer until the next Model T comes along. But the technohype that surrounds us has some real costs. It causes businesses to waste money; it causes politicians to seek high-tech fixes (give every child a laptop!) when they should be getting back to the basics (teach every child to read).”

Paul Krugman wrote it. I found it in “The Communications Toolkit: How to Build and Regulate Any Communications Business” by Patricia Hirl Longstaff when I was searching using Google Book Search.


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