Bezyacases are made in Turkey, and the one they sent me is called the MultiFlip. Here you see it with the top opened. The top is held in place with two magnets, and drops down, so it is out of the way when you use the phone. The leather and stitching are first quality and there is no ugly logo on the outside. There is a rather attractive logo impressed on the inside of the flip. Now let’s take a look at the back of the case.

Here you see a couple of things. First, and most important, the front flip cover snaps off! There it is sitting next to my iPhone 3G on my desk. It is held on by the two snaps at the bottom. The top snap is for closing the case around the phone. Notice also that you can attach a belt clip (included) also. When I use the phone on my desk I remove the cover flap and put it back on when I put the phone in my pocket.

Here you see my iPhone with in the case without the flap. Everything fits perfectly, though the case does overlap the screen by about 1/8 inch. This is unavoidable as the "margins" around the screen are pretty much non-existent. So we have a closed case and an open case and an open or closed belt case. What if you want to watch a movie?

With the front piece in place the phone can rest on its side for video watching. Here you see my iPhone playing on of the Startrek Voyager tv shows.

One of the most exciting things about the case is that it fits into the iPhone dock, so there is no need to remove it at night. I use the iPhone as my alarm clock, so this is an important convenience for me.

Here you see my iPhone sitting in its dock, in the case, beside my bed.

This case really does just about everything I can think of. One of these, along with an Otterbox, should take care of all your iPhone case needs.

The case comes in a variety of colors and you can see it here. At USD 59.50 I think it’s a real bargain for what you get. Clearly a lot of thought has gone into its design.

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