image Apple supposedly will unveil an iPhone with not just an Atom chip but also a larger screen. So, Steve, will e-books be among the built-in apps? Does this mean you’ve discovered that a few people are reading after all?

For the mini-tablet rumor to be reality, it would help for the Atom chip to throw off less heat. So will a new version of that pop up soon than some might expect? Or will the tablet be big enough so the heat issue really does not matter?

image Big question: Crave checked with Intel and wonders if a high-ranking German exec, the reported leaker, would be in a position to know.

And a reminder to E Ink skeptics: Here’s to different screen options! Remember, too, that the tech will be improving. That said, a crisp, colorful LCD or even OLED screen would be more in keeping with Jobs’ style.

Speaking of OLEDs: Will they indeed last as long as the boosters say? Some killjoy has raised questions about the lifespan of an OLED in Sony’s much-touted thin TV.

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