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From the press release:

The Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford announced today that it has entered into a final agreement with to enhance access to the Libraries’ exceptional digital collection; in particular materials derived from the Oxford –Google digitization project and other e-book publications. The initiative will transform the ability to access digitized books and other forms of content. The partnership will create a new kind of reading experience for ebooks allowing users to read, annotate, extract and share comments across online, mobile, and tablet, platforms. The system allows reading research and e-published text to be brought forth, tagged, and annotated with comment, interpretation, and illustration.

Richard Ovenden, Assistant Director and Keeper of Special Collections at the Bodleian Libraries said, ‘The Bodleian owns books that have been annotated by great writers, scientist and intellectuals and those notes shine a light on an additional layer of intellectual process. This new initiative will allow our readers to annotate our digitized books and our ebooks and to share and save these annotations. This will be the way people read and share their academic discoveries in the future.’

Read and Note’s innovative technology and digital platform for E-Publishing and the unique digital collections of The Bodleian Libraries will ensure that increased access to this unparalleled collection.


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