3platform-2-1024x527Bookmate has gained attention recently as the e-book subscription app grows overseas.

It seems that readers aren’t the only ones to notice the Russian-based company. Bookmate won the Digital Minds Innovation Award at the London Book Fair last week. Hundreds of companies were in the running for the award, but Bookmate made it to the final with five other companies. Each company spoke to a group of digital publishing leaders, and the winner was picked by popular vote.

“It’s an honour to receive such recognition from many of the of the most important digital thinkers within the global publishing community,” said Bookmate’s James Appell, head of global expansion. “But more importantly, the award proves that publishers recognise Bookmate’s unique ability to open up emerging markets to legal, paid-for reading.”

Bookmate was founded in 2009 and has more than 250,000 books for readers to choose from.

Read more on Bookmate here from an article on Teleread in February.

Bookmate is also a resource for authors. It offers a comprehensive statistics package by tracking how books are read and how much revenue is being generated.

Bookmate currently operates in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan with plans to move into Turkey and Latin America this year.


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