Writing and Publishing

Writing and Publishing

The 5th annual Launch Kids, a one-day symposium during the Digital Book World Conference + Expo (DBW), features top companies and executives discussing the future of the children's book publishing business....

Christopher Kenneally, Copyright Clearance Center, moderator; John Silbersack, Trident Media Group; Sara Pearl, Trident Media Group John Silbersack: literary agent. even for major authors electronic book sales only account for a few...

From the press release: Interquest, a leading market and technology research and consulting firm serving the digital printing and publishing industry, announces Lulu.com founder and CEO Bob Young...

Here's part of a fascinating blog post from Future Ebook on the problems with digitizing a backlist. Maybe you will think I am naive, or just hopefully optimistic, but when I...

BookNet Canada has looked at the results of the Book Industry Study Group study on ISBN practices and doesn't like what it sees in terms of industry practice. The results of this...

Here’s a blog post from Nathan Henrion, a midlist publisher who made a title available on Amazon as a free e-book. He reported seeing the sales rate of the second...

Two new scientific papers outlining different approaches to artificial intelligence (AI) have both concluded that reading books is the best way to learn human behavior. "Using Stories to Teach Human Values...

Author Cambria Hebert has penned a blistering open letter to Barnes & Noble on her blog, in which she discusses how she’s tried long and hard to get Barnes & Noble...

When he was reading Haruki Murakami’s new 944-page book 1Q84 on his Kindle, Gizmodo blogger Mat Honan encountered an unpleasant surprise. One of the best-known features of the Kindle is its...

AmazonCrossing is their new publishing venture specializing in translated fiction. Here's the description from Amazon: Tierno Monenembo's The King of Kahel was originally published in France in 2008 and was the...


Courtesy of the Kboards, a worrying item about struggling e-book sites and their ability to monetize engagement with Amazon - or not - has...

TeleRead.com is now a static archival site, but we're very much alive at TeleRead.org. Big thanks to Nate Hoffelder of The-Digital-Reader.com, who teamed up on the preservation project with ReclaimHosting.com.