Yes, Clive Barker needs comic artists. The Clive Barker. Hellraiser, Nightbreed, Candyman, Tortured Souls Clive Barker. The Prince of Horror (though not the King). That Clive Barker. And he is advertising, right now, for comic book artists, right out there in the open on Facebook.
Shared from Clive Barker’s official Facebook account, the request reads as follows:
COMIC ARTISTS NEEDED. Please share! We have some extremely interesting projects on the horizon, and what better place than the internet to spread our tendrils far and wide? It’s paid, professional sequential comics work, and whether your work is traditional or boundary-resetting like J. H. Williams or Dave McKean we’d love to hear from you if you have time on your fall 2015 calendar or beyond! (Please understand that we can’t respond to everyone but your emails are very appreciated.) Send a link to comics@clivebarkerstudios.
com with examples of your sequential pages!
And it comes accompanied by a gorgeous example of the kind of work envisaged (see above). As at the time of writing, it’s at almost 250 Facebook shares – and counting.
Exactly what provoked this very egalitarian outreach, I’m not sure. Clive Barker, after all, is no mean hand with a brush or pencil himself. But the chance is out there and one that any self-respecting horror artist ought to take very seriously. The chance to create the next Hellraiser? Go for it, ghouls and ghoulettes, you know it makes sense…