imageRoy Peter Clark (author of the classic Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer ) started a contest for six-word journalism mottos. My favorite: History’s first version, updated every minute.

This comes from another contest for a six-word mottos about America. The winner for that one?  Our Worst Critics Prefer to Stay.

Speaking of meaningless contests, can anyone summarize the ebook world today in 6 words? My nomination: Too Many Formats, Not Enough Readers.


  1. George Kaufman play & musical titles (With minor additions) regarding…

    …customer views of DRM:
    You can’t take it with you.
    The Man Who Came to Dinner
    Once In a Lifetime (Never Again!)
    The Royal Family; The Fabulous Invalid

    …corporate views of DRM:
    I’d rather be right. (Not listening!)
    Let ‘Em Eat Cake! Animal Crackers!
    Helen of Troy, New York. Bravo!

    …my love for the DRMless heroes:
    Silk Stockings, Of Thee I Sing!
    Be Yourself. Merrily We Roll Along.

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