image You know about chick lit. Could “crone lit” be the rage someday? It actually makes sense. Other than the movie and music businesses, New York-style publishing just might be the one with the most age discrimination. And yet elder people, at least those with their vision intact, are among the book world’s most eager fans.

So I like the spirit of Tessa Duder‘s story collection, Is She Still Alive?, as depicted in the New Zealand Herald:

“Heads turn as the three women at the table by the window pump up the volume. One is constantly on her Blackberry, another touching up her scarlet mouth with her lippy and eyeing up the young men. They are talking so loudly we can’t help but overhear: families, men, sex … They order yet another bottle of wine. Blimey, that’s the third and these dames must be pushing 70.”

Notice the Blackberry mention? Perhaps Isabelle Fetherstone of Senior-Friendly Libraries needs to catch up with Tessa Duder to talk up the possibilities of using E to read crone lit in large print?

(Via LISNews.)


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