I saw on my RSS feeds that Jim Cheshire’s book is now available from Amazon. Here’s what Jim has to say about it:
My book, Decoding the Kindle: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Kindle, is now available at the Kindle Store. When I first got my Kindle, I immediately looked for all the information I could get my hands on to help me get the most out of this revolutionary device. I wanted something that would fill the holes left by the Kindle User Guide and something that would help me solve some of the problems I was encountering. I found plenty of interesting information on the Kindle, but none of it was what I was really seeking.

I spent the next several months corresponding with Amazon and others on the Kindle and finding out as much as I could. I wanted to clarify some of the misinformation I was finding about the Kindle and I wanted to help Kindle users spend more time reading and less time struggling with some of the frustrations of a new gadget.

The result is the first Kindle book released by a major publishing house. Here are just a few of the things you’ll learn in the book.

* Tips and tricks to help make your basic Kindle reading experience more enjoyable.
* Details on where you can locate free books as well as tips on how you can search for hard-to-find free books.
* How you can use free software to convert books and edit author name, title, and other information.
* How you can use your own pictures for the Kindle screensaver, including details on what format of image you should use, how to convert your images, and links to free software you can use for image manipulation for the Mac and the PC.
* The best ways to take advantage of the Kindle’s built-in Web browser, including how to check email on your Kindle and how to read your favorite blogs free of charge.
* How to listen to music while you read.
* How to listen to podcasts on your Kindle (and how to make the Kindle automatically remember your current place in your favorite podcast.)
* A comprehensive FAQ on the Kindle using carefully researched questions asked by Kindle users.
* Much, much more!

The book is priced at $3.99 and is available now for the Kindle.


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