deepwizardryA few days ago, I heard from Diane Duane on Twitter that Kindle editions of all the Young Wizards books are $5.56 at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, save for the newest, A Wizard of Mars, which is $9.99. “However, these are not available outside the US, so I have started investigating bringing out international editions, as the rights are mine.” (Duane already sells some of her other works, such as the Middle Kingdoms series, as DRM-free e-books on her own website.)

She also noted that her husband, Peter Morwood, is bringing out his own backlist (sword & sorcery, epic fantasy, etc.) on his own website,, in multiple formats with no DRM. Prices on the ones I checked were $4.99 and $6.99. Not bad at all.

Great news for e-reading fans of Diane Duane and Peter Morwood’s books, and a nice respite from agency overpricing.


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