From the press release:

Paris, September the First, 2011

Digital publishers gather for:

A different literary season

This is a premiere in the publishing world, in France and in the world as well. At the beginning of the new literary season, a bunch of publishers and digital providers have decided to gather around an unprecedented event, through a website A place fully dedicated to their books and news during this so special period of emulation.

An event that can’t be missed

At the initiative of Walrus, a digital book creative studio, digital publishers will meet around this very special place between September the First and November 15, 2011. More than a hundred titles will be to discover during this time on LaRentréeLitté Readers will get access to all the news about those publications but also to novel extracts, authors words, interviews and more.

Julien Simon (Walrus) explains:

“The initiative was born from that : one is still opposing paper and digital edition, as if they were enemies. It is rather a time when the creation can definitely prevail against the support. Digital Publishers are publishers at first: they love books and have the same care to publish as printing publishers. But public still ignores this great wave of creation, released of structural constraints. The fraternal meeting of 100% digital publishers, setting aside competition, is a unique opportunity to focus attention on the future of books.“

A place of discovery opened to all

LaRentréeLitté is not a single alternative facing the abundant supply coming in bookstores at the end of August. The initiative was primarily due to the common will to enlighten a work that have not yet received an adequate media coverage. Readers who wish to support their favorite books can also send a review, which will be published on the event website.

True catalog of outings, aims as much casual readers than interested journalists who want to learn about digital books. In addition, the public will discover numerous posts about digital publishing, to better understand what can be the challenges of this new universe.

Thus, the book news website ActuaLitté has become a natural partner.

“The defense of the book, whatever format it is, and the promotion of reading are at the heart of ActuaLitté’s concerns. The ebook or digital book has taken a growing place in the publishing world. It seemed essential for publishers and writers to take part to this unique event, which will highlight a different bibliodiversity. All this in a participatory spirit of openness and sharing, for hundreds of works that otherwise might not have attracted the press attention, nor found its readership, “,
Says Adrien Aszerman, head of development for

Publishing partners: Studio Walrus, Numerik:)ivres,, La souris qui raconte, SmartNovel, Primento Editions, 292 Contents, Morey Editions, Emue Books, BSC Publishing, Edicool et le journal OWNI.

All French publishers willing to take part in this initiative are welcome to contact:


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