IpaqIf you’re cash-strapped but lust for an iPaq 2215 PDA for reading e-books, here‘s your chance. I don’t know the seller and can’t vouch for anything, but I couldn’t resist passing on the following–given the iPaq’s potential for use with Mobipocket or whatever:

Asking $100 or best offer because my dog thought it was his rawhide and chewed on it. It works great except for the audio jack so you can’t use headphones with it (but the speaker works). You also need to use the stylus to turn it on…

The screen is not scratched and works perfectly… There is nothing functionally wrong with it other than the audio jack and a missing power button — to turn it on, you have to stick the stylus into the hole where the power button was

Slightly related: I’m thinking of moving on to a more powerful system that does justice to Dragon Naturally Speaking. Any offers for a Dell Optiplex GX-260, small-form factor, 2.26G P4, 512 RAM, CD-RW, 3.5-inch floppy drive, 130MB hard drive, almost-new motherboard? I’m in the Washington, D.C. area. Buyer pays shipping. No teeth marks.


  1. I can vouch for the iPAQ 2210 as an e-book reader. I picked one up recently on eBay and use it pretty much daily for e-books – iSilo, MobiPocket, Handstory, Yanceyware etc. Talk about value for money – I haven’t looked back.

    Of course it helps that it also syncs with all my Outlook Contacts, can play games and the occasional mp3 or podcast, but e-books is where it really earns its keep.

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